Re-Aligning Client Relationships Workshop

Re-Aligning Client Relationships
This program is designed for two or more teams or groups whose collaboration is essential for success.

Process and Purpose
The Repairing Adverse Team Relationships program can be conducted either at the beginning of a new multi-team engagement or when there is a need to improve existing long-term relationships. Participants can come from two or more teams either from within a company, or from corporate partnerships.
The purpose The Partnering workshop is to build and strengthen long-term relationships between teams, in the context of either strategic or tactical issues.
The process A facilitator leads the teams through a process structured around the key contributors to effective “partnering” relationships.
Workshop Overview
Alignment of Strategy, Goals, and Objectives
Participants collaboratively identify, explore, and agree common goals and objectives. Focus may be on measurable operational outcomes or overall, joint strategic goals.
Roles, Challenges, and Opportunities
Participants identify and clarify specific roles, challenges, and opportunities.
Participants generate ideas to address the challenges that have been identified.
Ongoing Issue Resolution Process
Participants develop and commit to a clear, structured, and efficient process for addressing and resolving problems.
Participants identify the appropriate escalation process, should that become necessary.
Creating structures for long term support
Participants design and agree to support structures that maintain the focus on strong collaborative relationships and approaches to problem solving.